What do I get by belonging to the PHRCA, and paying my fees?

The PHRCA was established primarily to enable a resident body to manage the presentation of the estate past the point at which the developer is either unable, or is not present to provide financially for this. Historically Council provide a base level of maintenance to landscape areas, which for higher quality estates does not meet the residents’ expectations. The fees are structured at approx $1.00/day/residence. The most significant part of this fee goes towards works which Council would not otherwise fund and a community development manager, (which is a paid position). Some examples are plant and tree replacement, mulching, additional watering, fertilising, and soil conditioning. The PHRCA is also a body which in aggregate can lobby more effectively for many different types of infrastructure which might benefit the area in general. Sporting and recreation facilities by way of example.

  • The Association is constantly undertaking replanting and additional undertaking infill planting projects that would not have otherwise been provided within MBRC’s budget. This occurs usually bi-annually in each area on a rotation basis
  • In periods of dry weather or low rainfall, the Association arranges and pays for additional truck and hand watering of the public spaces throughout the Pacific Harbour estate to ensure the health of the plants and trees, the ‘green leafy’ aspect within the Association is maintained. (MBRC did limited main road watering in the drought of 2019, the PHRCA paid for the watering of the whole estate)
  • Through the Association’s well-established relationships and arrangements with MBRC, it has the ability to call out, and pay for, immediate clean-up crews after storm events to collected fallen branches, collect sand that has blown up onto roads etc. This benefits the aesthetics of the estate and also the safety of all pedestrians and road users.
  • When mature plants, palm trees or decorative paving require replacement the Association arranges and on occasions pays for like for like replacements, which MBRC would not undertake within their budget.
  • The Association funds more frequent downed palm fronds and branches collections than is provided by the MBRC
  • The Association is able to represent the hundreds of residents within the Association that regularly results in outcomes with Councillors and Local Members that would not be achievable with individual approaches.
  • The Association increases safety awareness by attending Neighbourhood safety meetings and monitoring local neighbourhood safety information and where necessary reports back to members.
  • The CDM monitors council development proposals and has an input to ensure these proposals will meet the estates expectations.
  • Welcome calls/emails are made by the CDM and Professional Manager to new members so residents have a point of contact and the opportunity to ask any questions when they first become a member.
  • The Association has a CDM in place so residents have a single point of contact to ask questions to with CDM details easily found on the PHRCA website.
  • The association uses a closed group social media page for residents only to make updates with useful local information and info on PHRCA matters creating a sense of community and offering value to residents.
  • The Association look after concerns and address issues with short term rentals such as contacting Air BNB and short-term rental real estates in order to address and resolve noise & parking issues and address irresponsible use of the estate by air bnb tenants.
  • The CDM works with council Local Laws department to ensure local laws are being adhered to.
  • The Association looks to preserve the well-being of the community by reporting covenant issues to the QM covenant department in order to protect property values
  • Working with BEIPA and various government bodies to improve tourism to Bribie Island and highlight the special, nature-based opportunities provided, such as the bird roost and shellfish reef restoration in Pumicestone Passage that the Association has contributed to.
  • The largest project undertaken by the Association in the 2020s has been the Development of Harbourside park near the Marina Precinct. This large area was designated as an open grassed area with no prospects of being treated as anything other than that by MBRC or providing any significant benefit to the Community. Over a few years the Association was able to develop plans and obtain funding for a, three stage, significant park installation that has provided toilets, bbq facilities, play equipment for various age groups and families, exercise equipment, shade and gardens. The total cost of the park installation was approximately $1.8 million with the Association contributing approximately $275,000.00 and negotiating contributions of more than $300,000.00 from both MBRC and the Developer.
  • Water bubblers (including in Kakadu Beach Park in 2021), exercise and play equipment, a bbq and seating in various parks which would not have otherwise been installed by MBRC and with part/full payment from the association.
  • Approximately $120,000.00 of play and exercise equipment in Sea Eagle Park in 2021, paid for by the Association and through additional funding sought by the Association.
  • Community events and activities organized by PHRCA promote social interaction and engagement among residents. These events help to build a sense of community and foster relationships between neighbours. (Such as get together nights, social events held in the past and arranged for the future)
  • Annual Christmas Light Boat Parade – The biggest community Christmas event on Bribie Island is organised by the Association in conjunction with the MBRC and Volunteer Marine Rescue Bribie Island and paid for by the Association including entirely by any sponsorships obtained by the association. Includes Santa, choirs singing carols, food stalls, a lolly drop for kids and numerous boats decorated in Christmas lights following a route around the canals.


Why do some people not have to pay?

As the PHRCA was established prior to the Body Corporate Community Act, there are some matters which cannot be cost effectively pursued to ensure that all residents are compelled to be members. Some examples are when a property is sold as “mortgagee in possession”, and when a resident sells without passing on their membership and is not able to be cost effectively pursued (as they might have relocated overseas), and there are also a small number of residents who at the commencement of the estate did not have to join the association.

What areas of the estate are covered by the PHRCA membership?

The attached plan shows the relevant areas.  Broadly these are the Marina Boulevard, Osprey Island, Dolphin Cove and Kakadu Estate areas.  Generally, the PHRCA areas can be described as all parks, medians, and gardens within the Council area of responsibility and control, and generally within all road reserves, including footpaths. It should be noted however, that Council will not tend to footpaths in the immediate frontage of your property. Vacant lots are also the responsibility of the owner and not the Association.

When I sell my house or land what do I have to do?

When you sell your house you must ensure that your solicitor/selling agent is aware that your membership to the association has to be passed on to the purchaser. This is important as if this is not done then the seller can be pursued for the ongoing fees due to the association despite the property no longer being in the seller’s possession.

When I buy into the estate what do I have to do?

Buying into the estate requires the same commitment as the selling of an existing property, and all intending purchasers should ensure that they sign the transfer of membership which confers not only the commitment to pay but also the benefits that are derived by belonging to the association.

Who is my point of contact for matters pertaining to the PHRCA?

The association employs a community development manager (CDM) who acts as a liaison between the community and the committee, and undertakes a number of tasks assigned to the CDM within the scope of the association rules. Initial contact should be made through the CDM, who will keep the committee appraised. You can email the CDM on cdm@phrca.com.au

Who is the responsible party for ensuring covenant compliance?

The developer is the responsible party for ensuring covenant compliance and all matters relating to this are to be directed to the Covenants Compliance Officer who is employed by QM Properties Pty Ltd (The developers). The contact details are provided in the related links. https://www.phrca.com.au/qm-covenants-enquiries/

Who looks after the canals?

The Council has the responsibility as trustee for the State Government to look after the canals in respect to all matters pertaining to water quality, maintaining navigable depths, dredging and spoil disposal.

Canal Revetment walls are the responsibility of the property owner, including maintenance and ultimate replacement.

More information on Canals can be found here on councils website: https://www.moretonbay.qld.gov.au/Services/Property-Ownership/Canals

Why do I have to pay a levy to Council for the canal?

The Council have seen fit to levy waterfront property owners for the total cost of what Council sees as significant costs to monitor and maintain the canal system at the required depths for the next 50 years. Much controversy exists surrounding this charge as many regard the canals as benefiting a much greater demographic, and should therefore be a shire wide levy. Some maintain that the waterways are a public access corridor by definition and regard the charge as blatantly unfair when it clearly benefits the general boating public as well. Further the Local Government Act provides that a special levy can be charged not only in respect to the parties that benefit but also to the parties who contribute to the need to dredge primarily. Arguably siltation of the canals is as a result of a number of source inputs from the land, and the control of this rests with Council and again an unfair proposition to levy only canal owners.

A separate organisation has been formed (PHCOA), whose ongoing mandate is to challenge this charge. Contact details are provided in the related links.

  • Canal Management
    Pacific Harbour Canal Property Owners Association (PHCPOA).
    Representing its members in respect to Pacific Harbour Canal properties. 

    Contact Committee

My neighbours are very noisy. Can the Association help?

No, you will need to call the police and register a complaint with them.

For more information on Crime and Noise in your area please use this link: https://www.qld.gov.au/law/housing-and-neighbours/noise-and-crime-in-the-neighbourhood/complain-about-noisy-neighbours


Can we opt out from the association if we give written notice?

No, a member cannot 'opt out' or 'resign' from the association. The only means of ceasing association membership is with the sale of your lot AND the transfer of association membership to the new owner.

I wish to get more involved with Association affairs. How do I join the Committee?

The committee may consist of a maximum of seven members. Nominations are called for prior to every AGM and committee membership is open to any financial member of the association. If more than seven nominations are received, a ballot will be held. Casual committee vacancies that arise during the year (i.e. due to a committee member having to resign from their position) may be filled on an ad-hoc basis, as required, until the next AGM or they can remain vacant at the discretion of the committee so long as a minimum of chairperson, secretary and treasurer roles are filled.

Observers are welcomed at committee meetings; however an observer may not vote on any motions. All members of good financial standing may vote at the AGM.

Where can I get a copy of Association Accounts?

Financial statements are issued with the notice of AGM each year. United Strata Management (USM) can provide additional financials at any time upon request. A fee may be payable to USM for this service.

  • Association Management
    Need to update your address? Obtain a copy of the last AGM minutes, or make an enquiry about your fees?
    Please contact our Professional Managers 

    United Strata Management

Is the canal revetment wall part of my property?

Yes the canal wall is the owners responsibility and is an integral part of the land, and should be included in your house and land insurance, and should be maintained by the owner on a regular basis.

The canal wall doctor is a specialist contractor who will be able to advise the owner on all matters pertaining to frequency of maintenance and relevant works to ensure the integrity of the structure.

Website:  www.canalwalldoctor.com.au      Mobile:  0427 949 163

Canal Front Homes - What can be constructed in the 7m setback from the revetment wall and your side boundaries

No roofed structures can be constructed in this zone for the full length of the canal frontage and 7m back into the Lot.

Decks, swimming pools, landscape and retaining structures are acceptable within this zone however the height of these structures should be such as to limit retaining face wall heights to less than 1m above the natural constructed batter surface levels .Decks will necessarily be tiered down the face and generally finished surface levels of decks and swimming pools will not extend more than 3m from the building line at the constructed building floor level and shall in no circumstances be greater than 3.4m AHD in height at 4m from the revetment wall boundary back into the Lot.

Engineering certification that works will not impact on the integrity of the revetment wall is required for any structure within this zone.

Covenant approval is required prior to MBRC approval for intended structures within this envelope.

Canal Front Homes - What can be constructed into the waterway area extending from the revetment wall (Quay Line Area)

Application can be made by the home owner to have a deck structure extending out from the face of the revetment wall of up to 3 metres. Side boundary clearances to the adjoining quay line also needs to be 3m on either side of your deck.

The link below provides information needed to obtain the relevant approval from the relevant authority, together with some acceptable design criteria for constructing your deck.

The required application form is DA Form 1, which is available on the State Government Better Planning website at the following link: http://www.betterplanning.qld.gov.au/planning-reform/resources/development-assessment.html

Applications can be lodged on Council’s website via the Electronic Lodgement and Fee Payment Portal, available on Council’s website at the following link:- https://www.moretonbay.qld.gov.au/eda/

Applications can also be e-mailed in to mbrc@moretonbay.qld.gov.au or posted to Moreton Bay Regional Council PO Box 159 Caboolture Qld 4510, or made in person at the Caboolture, Strathpine or Redcliffe Council Administration Building.

Any enquiries regarding lodgement of applications can be made to the Customer Service Centre on 07 3205 0555.

Does the PHRCA provide security on the estate?

Due to the common land being owned by Moreton Bay Regional Council, the PHRCA are unable to have security cameras installed on council land.     Some years ago when the estate was mainly vacant there were security patrols in place, however these were too expensive to continue once the lots were built on and ceased over 7 years ago.